
This course is designed to assist you in becoming more aware of and skillful in various methods of language teaching so that you will be able to develop and reflect upon your teaching style and the teaching style of others. As you encounter, practice, and reflect upon these methods of language teaching, you will expand and hone your repertoire of teaching techniques and thus become a more effective teacher.

Course Overview

The general purpose of this course is to expose you a varienty of methods, techniques and strategies that can be used in your own English language teaching. The course does not promote a specific method to use, but attempts to give you the tools to analyze your own teaching practice so that you can choose the best methods, techniques and strategies for your specific teaching context.

Class Notes

Class notes will be added on a weekly basis for review.


Grading Criteria

20% Attendance and Participation
20% Belief Statement #1 & Belief Statement #2
10% Poster Presentation
10% Lesson Plan
30% Practice/Micro Teaching
10% Reflective Essay on Teaching



Attendance is mandatory: Participants who arrive to class 10 minutes or more after class begins will be considered late. Participants who are late 3 times will receive 1 absence. Any participant who misses 1/4 of all class meetings will receive an F. Mastery of the ideas and concepts of this course requires engagement and discussion. If you are not in class, you miss that opportunity to exchange ideas. Moreover, participation is also essential. Just coming to class is not enough. I expect all participants to be active in class discussion and lectures as well as to complete all oral and written assignments.

Belief Statments 1 &2
You will formulate responses for each of the questions below. You will describe your beliefs and opinions about language teaching and learning. Your responses should be typed and each answer should be a paragraph of several sentences. Provide specific examples to support your beliefs. You will re-write your belief statement at the end of the semester. The two essays will show how you thinking about English Language Teaching has changed over the course of semester.

1. What is the teacher’s role in language learning? What are the students’ roles?
2. What are some important characteristics/traits of the teaching / learning process?
3. Describe what the interaction patterns should look like in a lesson plan, and why?
4. How should the feelings of students be dealt with?
5. What is language and how should it be viewed?
6. What is culture and how should it be viewed?
7. What kind of evaluation/assessment should be used and why?
8. How should student errors be handled?

Poster Presentation
Individually you will each choose or be assigned a method that we have studied to present to your classmates. In this short 3-5 minute presentation you should do the following:
1. Describe the major principles of the method and the techniques and strategies that it typically uses to present, check and practice language
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of this method for your future teaching context
3. Describe how you might use this method in your own future teaching by describing in detail some technique or strategy that you might use and how you might use it.

Lesson Plan
Participants will be asked to develop a 15 - 20 minute lesson that incorporates methods, techniques and strategies that they have studied in the class.

Participants will be asked to teach the 15 - 20 minute lesson that they have developed to their classmates.

Reflective Essay on Teaching
Participants will refect upon their micro-teaching performance. They will identify what worked well in the lesson and why and they will identify what didn't work well in the lesson and why.


Additional Resources

To be added later.

Tentative Semester Schedule



In class activities/Assignments

Week 1


Introduction of students, lecturer and course

Week 2

Key terms

Week 3


Week 4

Week 5


Week 6


Week 7


Week 8


Week 9

Week 10

Week 11


Week 12


Week 13


Week 14


Week 15


Week 16




